Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Sankey Visualization in MicroStrategy 10

I spent a little bit of time last week integrating the sankey visualization into MicroStrategy 10.  To deploy locally, just unzip the into: MicroStrategy\Web ASPx\plugins.  You’ll also need to put the sankey.js file into: MicroStrategy\Web ASPx\javascript\D3.  

This was based on cobbling together a couple of things:


  1. Hi Rajiv,

    the file you provides. is it already with the code change?

  2. Yup, just download the files on the top.

  3. Hi,

    The original tutorial link you mentioned is broken now (in August 2017).

    Also, there is no good tutorial that explains how to customize D3 visualizations to work in MSTR 10.

    So, can you please publish a step-by-step procedure about how to import a D3 chart (say, Chord chart) and how to couple the MSTR controls to it?

    Thanks in advance!
